String facts 2

10 String Facts

for a better playing experience and combating tennis elbow issues.

1) Softer strings produce more power than stiffer strings. Multi-filament synthetics and Natural Gut are the best at doing this. Natural gut is almost twice as resilient as the best Multi. Use Natural Gut is you have Tennis Elbow. It is best at absorbing shock and returning energy to the ball. (Resiliency)

2) Higher tensions produce more control. Remember though that you “can’t buy control”. Your swing still has to be efficient – higher tensions offer relative improved control.

3) Lower tensions increase the size of a racquet’s sweet spot.

4) Lower tensions will also produce less shock.

5) Lower tensions put less stress on the elbow.

6) Thinner strings produce more spin.

7) Thinner strings are more powerful, compared to the same string in a thicker gauge, when strung at the same tension.

8) Thinner strings produce less shock.

9) Dead strings are less resilient, they return less energy back to the ball, resulting in shock transferring from racquet to arm, causing tennis elbow.

10) A racquet strung tighter will have strings wear faster than if strung at a relatively lower tension.